

About JR CantosHi there! I am JR. I was the world’s greatest bum (greatest in terms of potential) before I discovered the Internet. Now I am online entrepreneur,  and I think I can make a contribution to the Climate Change cause, if I try hard enough (wink!).

If you are expecting a good formal write-up about me in this page, you won’t find it because I haven’t written it yet.  You will have to make do with what I came up with right this minute when I should have been sleeping already.  

I am a thinker.  Most of my best ideas never get out in the real world, because I sleep on them, and forget about them the next morning.  The ones that do get out  are really mediocre.  I’m tired of telling myself I could have done better, and this blog, this god forsaken blog, is the first step I can think of which will break that trend.  Do not be confused if you don’t understand everything that I’m going to say. I’m not just a thinker.  I’m a pleaser as well. Read only what you can and can understand, and enjoy while you’re at it. 

If you want to know more about me by knowing what I’ve done, go to  which I found, which I lead, and which I do weekdays from 9-5pm (I also moonlight for during weekends).  If you are a stalker or a fan(thank God), you may add me up on Facebook or follow me on Twitter.

As of Feb 22, I still want to drive a Toyota Prius, lug around the latest Macbook Pro, and build my own solar power system in our backyard.

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